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Mira Loma IB MYP Students Attend MYP Awards Night

Recently, Mira Loma students who successfully completed the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) were honored at an awards ceremony held on campus. The IB MYP is a five-year program that begins in middle school and continues through the sophomore year of high school. It provides a rigorous academic experience that encourages global awareness and application of what is learned. 

Those who were honored at the ceremony met all the academic requirements, fulfilled the required community service hours, and completed two special projects. These students were awarded the IB MYP certificate. 

The community service program is an invaluable part of the MYP experience, opening the eyes of students to the real world, one of the goals of the IB program. During the high school years, students completed at least forty hours of community service. Some notable community service activities included volunteering at the food bank, participating in recycling activities on campus, and reshelving books at the library.

In addition to maintaining good academic standing in the rigorous program and fulfilling community service requirements, students who were awarded the IB MYP certificate also completed two large projects. 

In the summer after their freshman year through the first half of the sophomore year, students designed and completed a personal project. This project allowed students to research and learn about something that personally interested them and then use this new knowledge to create a product. 

Examples of projects included the following: learning how to write a biography and then writing one, learning how to garden and then planting one, and learning about investing and then creating an investment portfolio. This project culminated in a showcase for students and staff, allowing students to share about what they had learned and display their final product. 

The second large project required of MYP students was the World’s Fair. In this project, students picked a topic to research and organize into a creative presentation that showcased how the topic was related to science, math, language, and art. Some topics from this year’s MYP graduating class included forensic science, the country of India, and cults. 

Regarding the MYP program and certificate, Kasey Geckeler, a current junior at Mira Loma High school who received his MYP certificate, shares, “The MYP program gave me an opportunity to reach out and connect with my community. Receiving the MYP certificate shows the dedication that I had towards my goals in the program and fills me with pride as a student.”

The years leading up to the IB MYP certificate ceremony were therefore very full, requiring much hard work and dedication. Overall, over eighty students were recognized for their accomplishments. Most of these students have continued on to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, which encompasses the junior and senior years of high school. 

Nicole Wang, a current senior at Mira Loma High School who received her MYP certificate last year, shares, “The robust MYP program and amazing personal project helped me to develop important communication, research, and thinking skills necessary for different components of the IB diploma program, such as the IA’s, Extended Essay, and class assignments.”

Congratulations to the students who earned their IB MYP certificates!

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